Harold’s New & Used Baby Emporium
Written by Rev. Jaci McNeil
It was Black Friday at Harold’s New & Used Baby Emporium. Harry stood in the center of the store and called out to his employees, “Ok, folks! We’ve got a lot of babies to unload today. I over-ordered last week and all of them must go, go, go! Their expiration dates are nearing. I want ‘em all shiny and ready to go by 9 a.m. They must be bathed and lotion-ed and smelling good.
They must dressed in their finest outfits. I want nails checked. A rouge nail scratching a customer will never do. Hair must be combed. For the boys, part their hair on the right. For the girls, put a bow on top. Use pacifiers for the cryers. Let the cooers coo. The customers love that. And that little fella that we didn’t unload last week? We’ve really got to spruce him up. Nobody even stopped long enough to look him over. He’s really not that bad. However, he doesn’t seem to have any pizzaz that attracts
potential buyers. He’s kinda blah.”
Harry’s employees got busy getting the babies ready to go out on the showroom floor. Fussy babies were patted and fed. Muddy and wet babies had their diapers changed. Each baby had his or her nails filed till they were as smooth as glass. Each baby had his or her ears and nose cleaned out. They were bathed in warm rose water. Boys had their hair combed and parted to the right. Girls had their hair combed and had a bow placed neatly in the center of their heads. That poor baby from last week still sat quietly in his crude wooden crib, quietly observing all the commotion. He wondered when someone would come by and get him ready.
It was 8:30 and it was time to put the babies on the showroom floor. Each baby was placed in a finely crafted, white crib. Harry hooked his fingers under his armpits in satisfaction. “These babies will sell for sure today. It’s gonna be a great Christmas for Harold’s New & Used Baby Emporium this year!” Suddenly it dawned on him. That baby who didn’t sell last week was still in the storeroom. He grabbed his manager by the arm and said, “Murray, where’s that Little Fella from last week? Let’s get him out here and mark him down 25%.” Murray quickly went to the storeroom and got the baby. As he entered the storeroom, he realized there was no more room, nor were there any more finely
crafted white cribs. He put him back in his crude wooden crib and shoved Him in a dimly lit corner. Murray made a sign that read, “Priced to go… 25% off!”
Now it was 9 a.m. Harry opened the door and a flood of people streamed in eagerly. Some had been waiting for the store to open for hours. As the customers walked past the babies, they oohed and ahhed. One couple picked up a little girl and said, “Wouldn’t she be a fine present? Shall we get this one?”
Harry quickly saddled up next to them and said, “If you take her today, we’ll throw in free gift wrapping.” “Done,” said the man, shaking Harry’s hand.
Another couple walked past a little boy. “What do you think, dear,” the wife asked her husband.
“He’s fine, dear, but look at the sticker price,” the man grimaced. “Say,” the man said, catching Harry’s attention, “Why is this one so expensive?’
“Ah,” said Harry, “It’s because he comes from good stock. He’ll live long. He’ll bring a lot of happiness. He comes with a lifetime guarantee. And, we’ll work on a monthly payment plan for you.”
The man and his wife looked at each other and nodded. By noon that day, most of the babies were sold. There were one or two hangers on, but Harry marked them down and printed on their stickers, MUST GO. Then that baby in the corner captured his attention. “That baby! What are we going to do with him?
He’ll be too big to sell next weekend. Murray! Mark that baby down to 50%! Has anyone come by, interested in him?” “Yes,”
Murray said, “Several walked by, interested in such a good deal, but in the end, they just passed him by.”
At closing, all the babies had either been sold or put on layaway, except for that one in the corner. Harry despondently said, “How come nobody wanted you Little Fella?” As these words left Harry’s lips, he remembered a Christmas from long, long ago. There was once a Baby very much like this
one. There had been no room for Him to sleep, besides in a crude manger. The Babe from long ago had no beauty or majesty to attract anyone to Him. There was nothing in His appearance that made people desire Him. (Isaiah 53:2b) He was despised and rejected and held in low esteem. (Isaiah 53:3) He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him. (John 1:11) “Little Fella,” Harry said, “I am going to receive the Christ Child today. I have rejected Him far too long. Not only that, but I am taking you home with me.” Harry picked up Little Fella, hugged him to his chest and went home. The next year, the sign on Harry’s store read, Harold & Son: New & Used Baby Emporium.
The end.