Lent Reading Week 4
Welcome back to Week 4 of our Lenten journey. During this 6 week walk through Jesus life remember that the goal of Lent is to be a time of reflection, preparation and prayer. In week one we talked about what we were going to sacrifice for Lent. This year I...
Lent Reading Week 3
Welcome to Week 3 of our Lenten journey. During this 6 week walk through Jesus life remember that the goal of Lent is to be a time of reflection, preparation and prayer. The third tradition I am adding this Easter is Alms-giving. Alms-giving is the act of giving the...
Lent Reading Week 2
Welcome to Week 2 of our Lenten journey. During this 6 week walk through Jesus life remember that the goal of Lent is to be a time of reflection, preparation, and prayer. Fasting is a traditional part of the Lenten journey. It is a way to focus on Christ without...
My Bookshelf: Walking The Bible
Walking The Bible was published in 2001. It was written by Bruce Feiler, a man who was trying to understand his Jewish roots by traveling through the lands of the Old Testament. (The Jews call the first 5 books of the Old Testament, The Torah.) Feiler walks in the very...