My Bookshelf: Walking The Bible

Walking The Bible was published in 2001. It was written by Bruce Feiler, a man who was trying to understand his Jewish roots by traveling through the lands of the Old Testament. (The Jews call the first 5 books of the Old Testament, The Torah.) Feiler walks in the very...

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New Year….2023

I don’t make resolutions anymore because I don’t believe in them. If I didn’t think you would get mad at me, I’d propose that we put an end to these self-defeating promises that make us all feel like a load of garbage. 92% of all News Year’s Resolutions fail. The...

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Advent Reading Week 5

Star Wars Advent, Christmas 2022 Written by Rev. Jaci McNeil 5th Week of Advent December 25 -Christ Candle Blazing across time and space, breaking through earth’s barrier, Jesus Christ has been born on planet earth. Sent by His Father, protected by the Holy Spirit, celebrated by the Holy angels, welcomed by shepherds, worshiped by...

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Advent Reading Week 4

Star Wars Advent, Christmas 2022 Written by Rev. Jaci McNeil 4th Week of Advent December 18 -Peace It is a dark time for the inhabitants of the earth. Although sin and death will one day be destroyed, the battle for the soul of man rages on. A child, God’s Son is due...

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Christmas 2022

Harold’s New & Used Baby Emporium Written by Rev. Jaci McNeil   It was Black Friday at Harold’s New & Used Baby Emporium. Harry stood in the center of the store and called out to his employees, “Ok, folks! We’ve got a lot of babies to unload today. I over-ordered last week and...

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Advent Reading Week 3

Star Wars Advent, Christmas 2022 Written by Rev. Jaci McNeil 3rd Week of Advent December 11 -Joy Turmoil has engulfed the earth. There is unrest in the government. The Supreme Chancellor, God, has dispatched Holy angels, the guardians of peace and justice to bring joy to the universe. The mysterious count of the...

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Avent Reading Week 2

Star Wars Advent, Christmas 2022 Written by Rev. Jaci McNeil 2nd Week of Advent December 4 -Love It is a period of spiritual war upon the earth. A brave alliance of underground Holy angels has challenged the tyranny and oppression of the evil empire. Striking from a fortress hidden among the billion...

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Advent Reading Week 1

Star Wars Advent, Christmas 2022 Written by Rev. Jaci McNeil 1st Week of Advent November 27 -Hope A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… It is a period of civil war. Holy angels, striking from a hidden base, have won their,first victory against the evil galactic empire....

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