Retirement Surprise By Jim McNeil

It’s all downhill from here! Wait a minute that’s not how it’s going at all.  I know that men of my generation assess their value based on their capacity to work and the size of their paychecks.  My life has certainly been easier than my father’s which I would categorize...

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Holy Week: Day 1 Palm Sunday

Ever wonder what the days of Holy Week mean? Each day depicts something significant during the last week Christ walked on this earth. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, Jesus began His death march to Jerusalem. (Mark 11:1-11) He knew where He was going and why. As...

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Theology of War

Theology of War Rev. Jaci McNeil Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine Wednesday, February 23rd (2022). If you’ve been following the news, you know the conflict that has been simmering since the 2014 annexation of Crimea has been kicked into overdrive. Russia and Ukraine have a complicated legacy, which dates back thousands...

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A Lifestyle of Prayer with Larry Phippin

As we continue our series “ A Lifestyle of Prayer”, Larry Phippin is sharing with us today When, Where, and Why We Pray. We asked Larry to write this article because of his ardent belief in prayer, which grew during his granddaughter’s bout with 4th stage Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Larry testifies...

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Lenten Season of Prayer

Lenten Season of Prayer Prayer is an important part of Lent as it is our source of communication to God. As we meditate on the sacrifice of Jesus, let us verbalize our faith through prayer. As challenged by Diana Sanford let us take time every Wednesday at 1:00 PM to...

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